41st Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana

41st Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Ave María Purísima! This time we begin the report with the Palmarian greeting, “Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida” (“Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin”). This is not something new that the Palmarian Catholic Church has introduced, but it is a traditional greeting that older people will remember using and hearing many years ago. When two Palmarians greet each other, they not only greet each other: they also pray, for “Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida” is one of our main prayers. When two Palmarians say “Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida” they launch a powerful exorcism against Satan and his minions. When two Palmarians greet each other with “Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida” they proclaim with joy and confidence that Mary, our Mother, is the Immaculate, the Woman announced in Genesis, who crushes the head of Satan. Thus the Palmarian Catholic Church proclaims thousands and thousands of times every day the greatness of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Even if you make a phone call or send a message, you always start with “Ave María Purísima”, and the answer is always “sin pecado concebida”. Or it can also be abbreviated with “AMP” and the answer “SPC”. It would be interesting to analyze what they will say about the Palmarian Catholic Church many years from now. For example, in the year 2068, one hundred years after the first apparitions in the Sacred Place of El Palmar de Troya. They will talk about Pope St. Gregory XVII the Very Great and how he moved the Catholic Church from Rome to El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain. They will talk about that first Palmarian Temple, so beautiful and full of religiosity, with so many Holy Masses and beautiful processions, etc. Its splendid images and floats will still exist. One thing that will not exist in 2068 will be the many enemies that today try to sink the Palmarian Church. They and their works will be buried as bodies are buried in cemeteries. Just like those who lived in the time of the Great Pope, St. Peter I the Very Great, the first Pope. We hear no more about his enemies, but the memory of this great Pope will last forever. We are in mysterious times. The world with its back to the truth. A world full of shameful offenses against God. And worst of all, this wickedness is applauded by the great multitudes. The Holy Palmarian Church continues faithfully fulfilling the mission entrusted to Her by Our Lord Jesus Christ. It remains calm in the midst of great storms. Great personages will emerge who will defend this great work. These men are now being prepared by Christ within the Palmarian Church. They will be men of great virtue and cleansed of the contagions of today’s corrupt world. From within the Palmarian Church will come forth the great defenders of Christianity and they will each be strong pillars, bastions of the Faith, all with great love for Our Divine Savior Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Most Holy Joseph. Logically this website is greatly pleasing to God, as its main purpose is to carry out the apostolate for God, our Creator, and to promote good, which is the true Catholic doctrine. As a reward, it would not be surprising that Heaven would use this website as its “Spokesman” when there are moments of transcendental importance. Here it will be announced when these very important events for humanity will be fulfilled. In ancient times, the prophets announced what was to come, and everything was fulfilled according to what they said. Today, out of necessity as never seen before, our Creator has allowed the Church to take advantage of technology to transmit the Heavenly Messages of El Palmar de Troya so that no one will lack the knowledge of them. And since we now have information in multiple languages, it is a clear sign that the trumpets are sounding and soon the Glory of the Holy Palmarian Church will be seen as never seen before until now. Here is the list of the thirty countries with the highest number of visits to our webpage. Countries that have lost or gained positions are highlighted.
1. Argentina 11. U.S.A. 21. Paraguay
2. Brazil 12. Venezuela 22. Guatemala
3. Mexico 13. Ecuador 23. Congo Kinshasa
4. India 14. Ukraine 24. Iraq
5. Colombia 15. Bolivia 25. Uganda
6. Spain 16. Bangladesh 26. Italy
7. Dominican Republic 17. Nicaragua 27. Chile
8. Peru 18. Honduras 28. El Salvador
9. The Philippines 19. Germany 29. Cameroon
10. Nigeria 20. Kenya 30. Poland
Here is the list of the twelve countries with the highest number of visits to our YouTube channel in the last 30 days:
1. Ukraine 5. Colombia 9. Vietnam
2. Mexico 6. Indonesia 10. Turkey
3. India 7. Spain 11. Italy
4. Argentina 8. Peru 12. The Philippines
We encourage all who read this report to practice faith and trust in Our Dearest Mother, the Virgin Mary. Life for many people is very hard, there are many crosses and difficulties to overcome. There are many storms and all kinds of calamities to be encountered. But God has given us a helper, He has given His own Mother on our behalf so that we can turn to Her to help us overcome our sufferings. We have to practice faith and trust in Her, for She is the right hand of the Almighty. Mary is the supplicant omnipotence. She is our great intercessor before Christ, Her Divine Son, made Man by the action and grace of God the Holy Ghost. By going to our Heavenly Mother we will find peace and hope. What is impossible for you, is not impossible for Her. The problems you cannot solve, She can. We have obstacles, but for Her the word obstacle does not exist. She is the worker of great miracles, every day, in favor of many people, even those who neither invoke Her nor love Her. The Virgin Mother of God comes to the aid of souls to save them, to prevent them from being eternally damned. Let us humble ourselves before the Mother of God and ask for Her help, and She will grant us great mercies before Her Son Jesus. If a person believes that Our Lady will help him, She will not let his prayer go unheard. The more faith we exercise, the more certain we will be that Our Lady will attend to what we ask for.