67th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

67th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The Palmarian Catholic Church is a small Church, a Church that the vast majority of people do not take seriously. A few years ago, it was little known. Now it is much better known thanks to the great apostolate being carried out on the Internet. Those who hear about the Holy Palmarian Church usually reject it at first. This is not because the Church is bad but because the inclination of human beings is bad. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, since they committed original sin, by Divine punishment our body is more inclined to evil than to good. However, our soul is more inclined to good. So teaches the Holy Doctrine of the Palmarian Catholic Church. That is the explanation why people reject the True Church of Christ…
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66th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

66th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Jesus Christ is God and deserves to be loved and adored by His creatures, by the souls that He has created to accompany Him in Heaven for all eternity. Eternity is forever. It simply never ends. It is a state where we will contemplate the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, with a vision that only those who are saved will have. This vision of God will produce perfect happiness, it will give us the most perfect sense of fulfillment, it will make us feel as though nothing bad exists. Being in Heaven is the reward we will be given for having been faithful to Jesus on Earth. Every moment of the day we live has a choice, to do good or to…
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65th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

65th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Every time the antipope of Rome speaks on doctrinal issues, the triumph of the Palmarian Catholic Church is closer because he continually contradicts the traditional doctrine of the Catholic Church of all times. Francisco Bergoglio knows perfectly well that he is not the True Pope because if he were the True Pope he would not preach the opposite of what the Catholic Church has always taught on procreation and other matters. It is known from the teachings of the Church that procreation is the primary purpose of marriage and nothing else. Marriage cooperates with God for the multiplication of human beings. At the very moment of conception, God creates and infuses the soul. Therefore, that creature has the right to be born. No one can go against this sacred right.…
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