70th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

70th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

How wonderful is our mission of making the Work of Palmar known to whoever wishes to know about it. How happy the Lord and the Most Holy Virgin Mary are with those who carry out the apostolate of the Truth! But the labourers are few and the harvest is great. Remember the Lord’s parable of the wedding guests:     “When it was time for the dinner he sent out one of his servants to tell the guests to come, since everything was ready; and all as one began to make excuses… The servant returned and gave an account of everything to his master. Angered, the master then said to his servant, ‘Go out into the streets and squares of the city and bring me here all the poor and crippled…
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69th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

69th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

We have good news for the followers of the Palmarian Catholic Church. Soon, God willing, we will have an app that can be downloaded from the Play Store for Android or AppStore for iPhone. The app will be called Palmariana. This app will be a very useful tool to learn about the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church. One of the main reasons for this app is to give everyone the opportunity to access our publications without needing to be connected to the internet. Once you download the app you will be able to read the Holy Palmarian Doctrine without the hassle of having to be connected to the internet. Above all, it will be a great blessing in places where there is poor connectivity.     The videos that…
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68th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

68th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Millions of people are learning about the True Catholic Church on the internet. One Palmarian Catholic TikTok account reached 22 million views over the last year and another account received 16 million views. This gives you an idea of how the Palmarian Church is spreading the true Faith.Despite so many negative comments, our posts still attract a large number of viewers and many come back again and again. Without them realizing it, the Holy Ghost is drawing people to the Palmarian Church. Perhaps the first time they see Palmarian posts they reject them, because these posts are so opposed to today's world, but God works in mysterious ways and what they have learned about the Palmarian Church will stick in their minds.However, the Church's main purpose is not to make…
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67th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

67th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The Palmarian Catholic Church is a small Church, a Church that the vast majority of people do not take seriously. A few years ago, it was little known. Now it is much better known thanks to the great apostolate being carried out on the Internet. Those who hear about the Holy Palmarian Church usually reject it at first. This is not because the Church is bad but because the inclination of human beings is bad. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, since they committed original sin, by Divine punishment our body is more inclined to evil than to good. However, our soul is more inclined to good. So teaches the Holy Doctrine of the Palmarian Catholic Church. That is the explanation why people reject the True Church of Christ…
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