The Palmarian Holy Week 2019 has already begun!

The Palmarian Holy Week begins annually on March 20th and finishes March 27th. Every evening the Solemn Procession starts at 9pm; the doors of the Cathedral open and the marching band gives homage to the Holy Images. You will find here the true Church of Christ, the Palmarian Church; teaching, exalting and preaching about the Holy Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ as well as the Spiritual Passion of his Most Holy Mother, the Divine Virgin Mary. The Most Holy Mother spiritually shared all the suffering that our Redeemer suffered physically, even the sweating of blood, only that no one saw it.
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Third Report about the Palmarian Website

The countries that visit our web page are still mainly USA, Spain and Brazil. Spain has handed over the first place to the United States.Thanks be to God and His Most Blessed Virgin Mother, so far there are more than a hundred countries that have visited our website, however, in saying this we don’t mean that we have had lots of visitors from each of these countries, on the contrary, some of them have only visited the website a few times.The countries that have least visited us include Indonesia, Israel, Romania and China among others, but despite these few visits, we are happy, as it is a start.The Germans are becoming more interested in attaining information about the True Church.It is nice to see that Italy has suddenly become interested…
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