2025 HOME PAGE V3 – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana


The true Catholic Church of all times,
founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Legitimate Succession of the Cathedra of Saint Peter,
Ruled by His Holiness Pope Peter III,
De Glória Ecclésiæ

The true Catholic Church of all times, founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Legitimate Succession of the Cathedra of Saint Peter, Ruled by His Holiness Pope Peter III, De Glória Ecclésiæ

This is the only official website of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church,

approved by the Father General of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, His Holiness Pope Peter III. For any further investigation on the Palmarian Catholic Church, it is essential to only go to the social media accounts authorized by the Palmarian Catholic Church, some of which are linked at the bottom of this page. The majority of the other publications on internet lack any truth and will be confusing and imprecise. Read more

We want to welcome everyone who desires to learn about the Apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin Mary and the heavenly manifestations in the Sacred Place of the Lentisco of El Palmar de Troya, which began in the year 1968.

Likewise, it is our desire to make clear that the true Church of Christ ceased to be in Rome on the 6th of August, 1978, and from there was translated to El Palmar de Troya, with the election of Pope Saint Gregory XVII as Vicar of Christ, directly by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, later Pope Gregory XVII, was the principal receiver of the heavenly messages given in this Sacred Place, but besides him, Heaven worked numerous miracles and heavenly manifestations through many other people as preparation and proof of the veracity of the Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya.

Where is the True Church?
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Where is the True Church?

Hallmarks of the True Church
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Hallmarks of the True Church

Apostolic Succession
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Apostolic Succession

Pope Peter III

His Holiness Pope Peter iii

De Gloria Ecclésiae (from 22-4-2016 until now). In the world, Markus Josef Odermatt, and later Bishop, Father Eliseus Mary.

Videos of the Pope
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Videos of the Pope

Apostolic Letters
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Apostolic Letters

Palmarian Library

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Palmariana App!

The Cathedral Basilica
of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar

The Cathedral Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar

To enter this Sacred Place, it is necessary to dress in accord with the Norms of Palmarian Christian Decency

Some of the last true Popes

Pope Saint <br> Pius XII

Pope Saint
Pius XII

1939 - 1958
Pope Saint <br>John XXIII

Pope Saint

1958 - 1963
Pope Saint <br>Paul VI

Pope Saint
Paul VI

1963 - 1978
Pope Saint <br>Gregory XVII

Pope Saint
Gregory XVII

1978 - 2005
Pope Saint <br>Peter II

Pope Saint
Peter II

2005 - 2011
Pope Saint <br>Gregory XVII

Pope Saint
Gregory XVII

1978 - 2005
Pope Saint <br>Peter II

Pope Saint
Peter II

2005 - 2011
Pope Saint <br>Peter II

Pope Saint
Peter II

2005 - 2011

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Apparitions of Our Lady

Apparitions of Our Lady

The Holy Penitential Rosary

The Holy Penitential Rosary



Apparitions of Our Lady

Apparitions of Our Lady

The Holy Penitential Rosary

The Holy Penitential Rosary

Palmarian Bishops

Palmarian Bishops

Palmarian Carmelite Nuns

Palmarian Carmelite Nuns

The Miraculous Well of Palmar

The Miraculous Well of Palmar

Palmarian Missions

Palmarian Missions

Palmarian Catholic Action

Palmarian Catholic Action

Palmarian Church Daughters of Mary

Palmarian Church Daughters of Mary

Protectors of the Palmarian Church

Crowned Saint Joseph of Palmar

Crowned Saint Joseph of Palmar

"My dear children: I come as Father of the Church and of you all..."
Saint Teresa <br>of Jesus

Saint Teresa
of Jesus

"I intercede for my beloved Spain..."
Saint Pio <br>of Pietrelcina

Saint Pio
of Pietrelcina

“My son: the Rosary of the Our Fathers is not a caprice of mine.”
Saint Dominic <br>of Guzman

Saint Dominic
of Guzman

"I love you all, my children, because you pray the Holy Rosary..."
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

"I love you all, my children, because you pray the Holy Rosary..."
"My dear children: I come as Father of the Church and of you all..."

"My dear children: I come as Father of the Church and of you all..."

"I love you all, my children, because you pray the Holy Rosary..."